Blueprints and More at a Great Low Price

At Blueprint Print Shop, we understand the significance of clear and precise blueprint prints in both black and white and color. Whether you’re an architect, engineer, or designer, our printing services are tailored to meet your specific needs, ensuring that your visions are accurately represented on paper.

Our Printing Services

All Services are available in B&W or Color

Digital Blueprint Printing:

Small and Large Format

Embrace the efficiency and precision of our digital blueprint printing services. We utilize cutting-edge technology to reproduce your digital designs with unparalleled accuracy, ensuring that every detail is faithfully represented.

Color Blueprint Printing:

Infuse life into your designs with our vibrant color blueprint printing services. Whether you’re highlighting different materials, zones, or design elements, our color printing technology ensures that your blueprints not only convey information but also showcase your creativity.

Blueprint Scanning and Archiving:

Preserve the legacy of your designs with our blueprint scanning and archiving services. We convert your physical blueprints into digital formats, making it easy to store, retrieve, and share your valuable projects securely.

Quick Turnaround:

We understand the fast-paced nature of your industry. Our commitment to efficiency ensures quick turnaround times without compromising the quality of your blueprints. Trust us to meet your deadlines with precision.

At Blueprint Print Shop, we go beyond merely printing blueprints – we bring your designs to life. Our services are crafted to meet the unique demands of your industry, empowering you to communicate your ideas with clarity and professionalism. Explore the possibilities of precision and creativity with our comprehensive blueprinting services. Your vision, our expertise – let’s create something extraordinary together!

Printing Paper

Standard Bond Paper (20 lb):

Ideal for everyday blueprints and drafts, the 20 lb standard bond paper strikes a balance between cost-effectiveness and quality. It’s lightweight, making it easy to handle, while still offering sufficient durability for typical printing needs.

2. Heavyweight Bond Paper 24-32 lb:

For projects that demand a sturdier feel and greater durability, consider heavyweight bond papers ranging from 24 lb to 32 lb. These weights offer enhanced rigidity, making them suitable for more substantial blueprints or when you require added durability.

**3. Presentation Quality 40 lb:

When your blueprints need to make a lasting impression, opt for presentation-quality papers with weights ranging from 35 lb to 46 lb. These thicker papers provide a premium feel, ideal for showcasing your designs in client presentations or for architectural competitions.

Contact us

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